Angel T, Follow me! Follow me through my journey, my hopes, wishes, goals and accomplishments. Follow.


Hoes from the proects.

I forgot to add. I will be here this friday.

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and also, MUST shake my rump to a song called "Project ho" by a local artist named Gripplyas. I am neither a "ho" nor from the projects. Just gotta let loose...

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just like old times *sigh*!

Go Team Go!

Ok, so for some reason I've been riding the shitty attitude bus all week. Here is my excuse, "But Mr. Hall, I was surfing a crimson wave!"

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Anyway, I just finished helping my little brother with his Algebra one homework. I was actually surprised at how elementary the Algebra was. My parents make it seem so hard, as if they never saw basic algebra in their lives. So I had to step in as super-sis once again and save the day. I stumbled upon this petrifying ass video while solving equations! How is that for multitasking!? I bet these little Asian girls would of found a solution to the equations with ease!


Like a pheonix.

I have risen from the ashes and am back again. Back at writing, blogging, in addition to rhyming-poeticizing...??? Once again trying to figure out what this random fiesta called life is in which I thought I had all figured out. How foolish of me! These days I'm back at the drawing board again. Hopefully this time I won't be left empty handed with stick figures and a dust cough. Here is a hint for the gentlemen with a lovely female significant other out there: At that time of the month, insist that your girlfriend drink chamomile tea. It does wonders for stress and relaxation. Oh yeah, and this Michael Jackson move they hit in this video gave me a tickle! (I’m sure most of you have heard this song already.) You could say this assisted with the exasperated mood I'm in today.


My photo
loca land, where they smoke all day, Georgia
I write. I do other things. I have much to share that is growing under the surface. Stay tuned kiddies.